Whether you are a small business owner or manager/supervisor of a customer support department, there is peace of mind when you partner with a trusted answering service.
Customers are the lifeblood of any organization. So, you want to keep your customers happy. It is in your control to put in place strategies that avoid situations that can annoy customers—like calling your organization after hours and leaving messages. A control that you can put in place to avoid this is to hire an experienced inbound telephone call answering service provider or inbound call center service provider whose Customer Service Representatives work round the clock.
At On Call Centre we’ve been providing after hours live person answering services and after hours live person call centre services for 48 years. Every call is answered by a Customer Service Representative with a beating heart and years of customer service experience. Our Customer Service Representatives enjoy talking with people, taking messages and making sure both our clients (you) and your customers are happy.
Furthermore, since we serve Canada—Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto—anywhere in Canada—every Customer Service Representative whom we employ is fluently French-English bilingual. This means that our Customer Service Representatives understand the subtleties in both languages to ensure they ask the right questions that help both you and your customers.
At On Call Centre , we deliver exceptional customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. On Call Centre has been providing tailored, fluently French/English bilingual answering services and call center services to small business owners (professionals, trades) and customer support departments (government, high tech, property management, healthcare, emergency clients) serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 48 years.
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