Call Centre Solutions for Government and Social Services

Make Every Call a Positive Citizen Experience
The private sector’s focus on personalized customer experience has raised the public’s expectations of government and social services. Don’t let limited budgets, technology, and skills prevent you from delivering efficient and timely assistance. On Call Centre can help you elevate your constituents’ satisfaction in line with your fiscal mandate.

We Bridge the Service Delivery Gap
Citizens demand reliable and professional returns for their tax dollars. More than empathy, they need solutions without going through the bureaucratic runaround. Our team can back up your communication capacity through voice, SMS, email, or a mix of these services. We can integrate with your internal system to reduce long hold times and unanswered calls.
Provide Superior Government Engagement With On Call Centre
On Call Centre has a 50-year track record of supporting municipal, provincial, and federal governments with their phone answering and message management needs. Our bilingual agents can beef up your workforce for outbound calls during emergencies and when call volume spikes in times such as the tax season. We supply reports on their performance based on your KPIs.

Achieve Compliant and Secure Outsourcing Within Your Budget
We offer scalable service plans that are customized to your standards and processes. Calls only get routed to us at hours and days of your choosing. Our agents follow a script developed with your input.
Moreover, we ensure the security of citizen information of our partners in every field. Contact us today for more information about our call centre solutions.