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Answering services and call centre services for business located in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and anywhere in Canada.

At On Call Centre, many of our clients are small business owners. Before they became our clients, though, they were wearing many hats and having a hard time juggling the ‘hats’ and doing everything well.

Here are 5 reasons why these small business clients decided they needed the help of a professional inbound telephone answering service provider .

  1. Their core competencies weren’t answering the phone. With our answering service , they can focus on their core competency, which generates the revenues that makes their businesses thrive.
  2. As a professional inbound answering service provider , our core competency is answering the phone. Our professional, career-minded customer service representatives answer their clients’ phone calls. Customer service is a unique skill set honed over many years.
  3. They don’t work 24 hours a day 7 days a week 24 hours a day. At On Call Centre, we do work 24x7x365. Which means every single time a customer—or potential new customer calls—the call is answered.
  4. They were using voicemail. At On Call Centre, we don’t use voicemail. Every single call is answered by a professional customer service representative. Representing their businesses, we’re ready to ensure their customers have exceptional customer experiences. This means their customers remain loyal paying customers.
  5. And the stats: 40% of customers prefer phone service compared to 29% who prefer face2face, 18% who prefer email and 13% who prefer chat

So, if your company is looking to retain loyal customers, then it’s time to take a second look at your company’s customer service strategy. And if you need a professional telephone answering service or professional inbound call centre service , we invite you talk with us: On Call Centre. We’ve been providing answering services and call centre services to our clients serving Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto for 46 years. We’ll answer your call: 613-238-3262 or Toll Free 1-866-323-3344.

By the way, if you’d like to read more stats, check out our ebook: Have You Transformed Your Customer Service Strategy into Competitive Advantage?