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At On Call Centre, we believe that keeping customer satisfaction at a high level is achievable. In fact, we have 48 years of experience doing so.

While some telephone call answering services and call centre services offer both inbound and outbound, we are solely focused on inbound. In itself, a focus on inbound telephone call answering services and inbound call centre services makes a difference in the kind of talent that is hired. Our people are professional customer service representatives who take pride in the quality of their work. Each holds a unique skill set honed over years of delivering customer service. A service-oriented mindset (versus sales-oriented mindset) is important to keep customer satisfaction high.

And some telephone call answering services and call centre services profess to employ bilingual customer service agents. While that may be true, are they truly fluent French-English bilingual? Our customer service representatives are fluent French-English bilingual and fluent multi-cultural. This subtle nuance in language is important to keep customer satisfaction high.

Your customers’ satisfaction rates will be high if you take the time to ensure the quality of your telephone call answering service and call centre service. In the end, not only will customer satisfaction be high, first call resolution will be high and customer loyalty will be high.

At On Call Centre , we deliver exceptional customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. On Call Centre has been providing tailored, fluently French/English bilingual answering services and call center services to small business owners (professionals, trades) and customer support departments (government, high tech, property management, healthcare, emergency clients) serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 48 years.