Who uses an answering service?
Our clients range from self-employed professionals to owners/managers of small- to medium-sized businesses to managers/directors/VPs of customer support/customer service departments. Here are some examples of the value our professional answering service provides to our clients.
After-hours answering services: On Call Centre works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year (sometimes 366) so our clients don’t have to.
Overflow: If you’re running a customer support or customer service department, you’ll immediately know what we’re talking about when we say ‘overflow.’ Historical data is pretty good at predicting the expected number of incoming calls; however, there is always unpredictability. So, for those times that there are more calls than Customer Support/Service Representatives, those telephone calls can come to On Call Centre. Everyone’s happy—you, your team and your customers.
Regular answering service: Self-employed professionals can’t be available to answer the phone 100% of the time during regular business hours; otherwise, how would you get your work done. On Call Centre answers all the calls, which ensures customers remain loyal and prospective new customers receive an exceptional customer experience.
Consider partnering with On Call Centre for your answering service needs. At On Call Centre , we deliver exceptional customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year—sometimes 366. On Call Centre has been providing tailored, fluently French/English bilingual answering services and call center center services to small business owners (professionals, trades) and customer support departments (government, high tech, property management, healthcare, emergency clients) serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 50 years. We invite you to call us: 613-238-3262 or Toll Free 1-866-323-3344.
The post Use an Answering Service appeared first on On Call Centre.
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