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Professional customer service representatives improve competitive advantage.

A recent survey by Accenture found that Canadian companies could improve competitive advantage by delivering human interaction. As a professional Canadian answering service and call centre service provider, we concur.

Accenture’s survey revealed that 49% of Canadian consumers were unhappy enough with the poor level of customer service that they stopped doing business with their current vendor. Those are lost customers that are near impossible to get back.

At On Call Centre, our clients’ customers receive exceptional customer experience through human interaction. Here’s how we do it.

  • Every call is answered by a customer service representative. That’s right. No voice mail.
  • Every customer service representative is fluently bilingual so that our clients’ customers can converse in the language of their choice.
  • We answer our clients’ customers’ calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Again, no voice mail.

Your customers’ satisfaction rates will be high and customer loyalty will be high as well.

We’ve been providing answering services and call centre services for our clients located in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto—anywhere in Canada—for 45 years now. If you’re looking for a Canadian inbound answering service provider or inbound call centre service , we welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Please contact On Call Centre to schedule a free, one-hour no-obligation telephone call answering service or call centre service consultation.

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