Although price is important, it shouldn’t be the main criteria when looking for an answering service partner. You need to consider some other factors as well.

  • Does the provider have experience? Ask how many years the answering service provider has been in business. Plus, how many years of experience do the customer service representatives (CSR) have? What is the CSR turnover rate? You’re looking for an answering service with low turnover!
  • Is the provider reliable? Ask if the answering service provider works 24/7/365. Do CSRs answer every call or do they rely on voicemail? How quickly will they relay your messages to you?
  • Are the CSRs fluently bilingual? If you are located in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal—or anywhere in Canada, for that matter— ask the answering service provider if their CSRs are bilingual. Then, ask if they are fluently bilingual. There’s a difference: fluently bilingual CSRs are culturally bilingual. This means they understand the subtleties of the language and there’s no miscommunication between your customers and the CSRs.

If you’re looking for an answering service, On Call Centre can help . Meet some of On Call Centre’s experienced customer service representatives. They’re experienced, reliable, and fluently bilingual. We have more than 40 years of experience, supporting thousands of satisfied clients. Partner with On Call Centre for your call answering service.

Meet Karen, Supervisor at On Call Center

On Call Center employs individuals with experience providing exceptional customer service, which involves a unique skill set. She is not only an exceptional customer service agent. She is also an exceptional supervisor.

Karen joined the On Call Center team in 2009 as a customer service agent. Special talent is obviously required to answer calls and provide exceptional customer service in both French and English. This talent therefore allowed Karen to climb the ladder. It also helped that she honestly enjoys talking with people on the other end of the line and helping them.

Today, Karen is a supervisor at On Call Centre. In general, his shifts are mornings on weekdays and afternoons on weekends. “I answer the phone for companies representing various fields; such as property management, medical centers, heating companies, technical support and more,” explains Karen. “My career has allowed me to acquire a lot of knowledge about these various companies, which has helped me outside of work in my daily personal life. I like this because the learning will never stop – I will continue to learn new things every day. »

When Karen is asked what she enjoys most about working at On Call Center she explains: “It was the On Call Center team that gave me the opportunity to come back to a fun career after my maternity leave. I am very grateful for that. It is also a welcoming and friendly environment. “

Outside of work Karen devotes her free time to her children. She also enjoys reading and watching movies.

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