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Is your business really delivering excellent customer service?

I read an article by Paul Cooper entitled The Complacency Gap , published by In the article, Cooper talks about the misconceptions companies have about the level of service they give to their customers. Companies tend to think they’re delivering excellent customer service — but their customers beg to differ.

The article starts with a story about a survey in which 8 percent of 400 companies received low ratings for their customer service levels. However, 80 percent of those 400 companies rated themselves as “really good.”

It’s often difficult to be objective about the service levels you provide. That’s why, at On Call Centre, we rely on independent experts to rate our customer services representatives (CSRs).

For quality control, two third-party organizations randomly test our CSRs 12 months a year to check they’re delivering excellent customer service. These organizations are:

Don’t get complacent! You may think that you’re delivering excellent customer service, but what do your customers say?

If your customers are less satisfied with your customer service than you initially thought, contact us. We’ve been providing call centre services to clients located in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto for more than 40 years. We can guarantee you excellent customer service!

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