As a small business owner, you know that every dollar you spend on marketing must generate a return on investment. Whether that is hard advertising (paid) or soft advertising (word of mouth), when a prospective customer calls, you want to be sure the call is answered. That’s when partnering with a professional answering service provider or call centre service provider can help.
- On Call Centre’s experienced Customer Service Representatives answer the phone calls of your customers’—and prospective customers’—24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With On Call Centre, you’ll never miss a customer call again.
- Every one of On Call Centre’s Customer Service Representatives are fluently French-English bilingual. So, your customers can talk to us in the language of their choice.
- We don’t use voice mail. No matter the time of day, a professional Customer Service Representative is ready to speak to your existing customers and prospective customers. You’ll never miss an opportunity to grow your business.
At On Call Centre , we deliver exceptional customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. On Call Centre has been providing tailored, fluently French/English bilingual answering services and call center services to small business owners (professionals, trades) and customer support departments (government, high tech, property management, healthcare, emergency clients) serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 48 years.
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