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If you manage fundraising initiatives or pledge drives , you need a unique inbound call centre service provider. You’re looking for a professional inbound call centre service that is setup to process sales over the phone.

On Call Centre is one of a handful of inbound call centre service providers that is able to process sales over the phone and serves Canada (especially Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal). Here are some additional benefits managers of pledge drives and fundraising initiatives get from On Call Centre.

  • 24/7/365 . If inbound call centre services are required around-the-clock, On Call Centre is on the job.
  • Bilingualism . For businesses located in bilingual Canada—like Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto—managers of pledge drives and fundraising initiatives need a reliable strategy to answer donors’ calls in the language of his/her choice. A partner like On Call Centre, who employs customer service representatives (CSR) who are fluent French-English bilingual and fluently multi-cultural, is a high-value partner.
  • Experience . We four decades of experience processing phone sales throughout Canada for managers of pledge drives and fundraising initiatives.

Want to learn more? Be sure to read our blog article 3 Benefits of an Answering Service to Fundraisers.

Deliver a seamless donating experience by partnering with a professional inbound phone answering service and inbound call center service . At On Call Centre, we employ fluently bilingual Customer Service Representatives to answer every call—no voice mail. We’ve been providing answering services and call center services to our clients serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 47 years. We invite you to call us: 613-238-3262 or Toll Free 1-866-323-3344.