Exceptional listening skills drive customer loyalty. That’s because, when we listen more than we talk, we hear and learn more.
At On Call Centre, our professional career-oriented Customer Service Representatives do just that—they listen. By listening, they correctly get the message that your customers wish to convey to you.
Here are two tactics that we find delivers exceptional customer experiences.
#1. Answering every call by a person with a beating heart: Rather than waste your customer’s time playing an annoying game of telephone tag, we answer every call—no voicemail. And, we quickly resolve the purpose for your customer’s phone call. We listen. We ask questions. We make sure that we get your customer’s message right.
#2. Answering every call by a fluently bilingual Customer Service Representative: For example, if your business serves both English-speaking and French-speaking communities, your customers will be very appreciative that they’re able to converse in their preferred language. The bonus is that because our bilingual Customer Service Representatives are fluent in French and English, they intuitively understand the nuances in both languages to get your customer’s message right.
At On Call Centre , we deliver exceptional customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. On Call Centre has been providing tailored, fluently French/English bilingual answering services and call center center services to small business owners (professionals, trades) and customer support departments (government, high tech, property management, healthcare, emergency clients) serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 49 years.
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