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There is one major difference between an inbound call center service and an outbound call center service: customer service.

Professionals who answer phone calls are trained in customer service; whereas, those trained in outbound phone calls are generally trained in sales.

At On Call Centre we offer inbound call center services and telephone answering services. We hire career-minded Customer Service Representatives—individuals who are passionate about their jobs and have years of experience. Our Customer Service Representatives’ customer service skills are honed. They understand how to put your customers at ease and how to ask the best answers to understand how best to be of help—on your behalf.

We also hire fluently bilingual Customer Service Representatives . This ensures that when your customers call, your customers can seek help in the language of their choice.

Considering working with a professional telephone answering services or professional inbound call center services ? We would like to put our inbound, career-minded, fluently bilingual Customer Service Representatives to work for you. We’ve been providing answering services and call center services to our clients serving Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto for 46 years. We invite you to call us: 613-238-3262 or Toll Free 1-866-323-3344.