answering services ottawa montreal toronto 209x300 1

How and when a business answers their customers’ calls says a lot about how the business “cares” for its customers. Here are a few things to consider.

  • Business hours : Customers can’t always call you during regular business hours. So, customers are happily surprised when they call a vendor and a person answers the call rather than having to leave a message on voice mail. At On Call Centre we show you care on your behalf. We don’t use voicemail. We do answer every call 24/7 365 days a year.
  • Language : Customers are thankful when they call a vendor and can speak in the language they are most comfortable. For customers in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto, our customer service representatives are fluently French-English bilingual.
  • Customer service : Customers are delighted when they receive exceptional customer service. At On Call Centre, we hire only career-minded customer service representatives. They take great pleasure in speaking to and helping your customers on your behalf.

Deliver an exceptional customer experience that shows you care. Try our professional inbound phone answering service or inbound call center service —and deliver exceptional customer experiences. We’ve been providing answering services and call center services to our clients serving Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —and all over Canada —for 47 years. We invite you to call us: 613-238-3262 or Toll Free 1-866-323-3344.