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Professional answering services help small businesses grow.

At On Call Centre, we’ve been providing professional inbound telephone call answering services and inbound call centre services for 46 years. Our customized services benefit small businesses, customer support departments and fundraisers. And our life’s work is to make you shine in the eyes of your customers.

Here are the top 3 reasons you might need an answering service .

  • Customer service is probably not your core service offering. You might be a plumber or a lawyer. That’s your core service offering. At On Call Centre we can be your customer service arm ensuring that a professional customer service representative is answering your customers’ calls.
  • As a professional, you want to spend the majority of your time focused on your core service offering, not phone interruptions. We answer every call. And we do answer the call—we do not use voice mail. We’ll ensure that every one of your customer’s calls in answered by a customer service representative who is fluently bilingual and able to speak in the language preferred by your customer—French or English.
  • Do you work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? Hopefully not. But we do. We provide phone coverage 24x7x365 so that your customers always speak with a customer service representative when they call your business. This not only delivers exceptional customer service, it ensures your customers stay loyal to you.

Be sure to read the following related blog article: Is it Time to Get an Answering Service for Your Business?

We’ve been providing answering services and call centre services for our clients located in Ottawa , Montreal and Toronto —anywhere in Canada—for 46 years now. If you’re looking for an inbound answering service provider or inbound call centre service , we welcome the opportunity to talk with you. Please contact On Call Centre to schedule a free, one-hour no-obligation telephone call answering service or call centre service consultation.