Answering services and call centre services for business located in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and anywhere in Canada.
I recently read an article in the September 2014 issue of Connections Magazine . The article, “Customer Service: You Can Do it the Easy Way or the Hard Way,” resonating with me because my sister recently moved. The author, Peter DeHaan, tells the story of how frustrating it can be canceling services.
This is a story that all of us can relate to and is a great example of how easy it is to change a customer from an unhappy one to a happy one. Here are just a few ways that On Call Centre’s professional answering service and inbound call centre service can help those of you who must manage the expectations of your customers.
- Your customers’ calls are answered by an experienced customer service representative. We don’t use voicemail and your customers’ problems can be resolved quickly.
- Your customers’ calls are answered 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
- Your customers’ calls are answered by fluently bilingual customer service representatives, so they have the choice to speak in the language they are most comfortable.
An answering service delivers an exceptional customer experience. If you need a professional telephone answering service or professional inbound call centre service , we invite you talk with us: On Call Centre. We’ve been providing answering services and call centre services to our clients serving Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto for over 40 years now.
NOTE: The article mentioned at the beginning of this article is no longer available online.
The post Who’s Answering Your Phones? appeared first on On Call Centre

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